Here are some common questions about leaving a gift in your Will to Save the Children.
By leaving a gift in your Will to Save the Children, you can transform children's lives around the world.
Your questions answered
A Will is a legal document that can safeguard the future of the people and causes you most cherish. It records exactly how you wish your assets and possessions to be distributed after your death. Having a Will brings peace of mind, knowing that your affairs are in order.
A bequest is a gift in a Will. It is a thoughtful way for you to support your loved ones and your favourite causes in the future.
From a legal perspective, a gift is a sum of money or an asset voluntarily transferred to the charity organisation, for which the donor does not receive anything in return. Bequests are gifts that are made as part of a Will, and are transferred according to the donor's wishes after their passing.
We recommend that you consult your lawyer or other legal advisor to ensure that your Will is worded correctly and witnessed and signed properly. If you do not have a lawyer, contact:
The New Zealand Law Society
Phone: (04) 472 7837
Citizens Advice Bureau
Free phone: 0800 367 222,
If you already have a Will it is very easy for your lawyer to add a codicil (attachment) to keep your Will up to date.
You do not need to be wealthy to leave a gift in your Will. Bequests come in all sizes and are all valued by Save the Children. Many people find that a bequest is an ideal way to make a lasting contribution without impacting on their financial needs during their lifetime.
We appreciate that looking after your family is your priority. Once you are happy that their needs are provided for you may wish to consider leaving a bequest to Save the Children.
Your lawyer will be able to provide wording for your Will to take account of any changes in your family or personal circumstances, such as marriage or divorce, and the birth of children or grandchildren. It is important to review your Will regularly and make any updates that are needed.
There are a number of options for leaving a gift in your Will to Save the Children:
A specific sum or percentage of your estate:
A specific sum is an option but it is a good idea to think about the effects of inflation over time. What may seem like a large amount now may not seem so in years to come. Nominating a percentage of your estate instead of a cash sum means that you do not have to keep adjusting your gift to allow for inflation.
The residue of your estate
You gift what is left from your estate after all other gifts and costs have been deducted.
A specific gift of property or other assets
Other than property, your gift could be of shares, bonds or insurance policies.
I give and bequeath (insert here % of your residuary estate, or a sum of money or a description of property or assets) to Save the Children New Zealand, PO Box 6584, Marion Square, Wellington 6141, registered charity number CC25367, to be used for general purposes. A receipt given on behalf of Save the Children New Zealand will be a complete discharge to my trustees for the gift.
We recommend that you first discuss your plans with your solicitor and your immediate family. Instruct your legal advisor or trust company to include the wording above in your Will.
As your bequest is unlikely to be realised for some years to come, we recommend that it is made for general purposes, so that our successors can have the flexibility to direct it to the area of greatest need at the time. However, if you are interested in directing your gift to a specific area of our work please call us on 0800 167 168 to discuss some options.
We recommend you keep your family informed of your bequest intentions. We would also greatly appreciate knowing of your plans so that we can thank you for your support and invite you to occasional special events.
Any bequest details that you choose to share with us will remain confidential.